Friday, March 27, 2015

I Swore I Wouldn't Do It

I always said I would never use a tanning bed in my life.  That, because I tan so naturally, I would just let the sun do it's job.  Yeah, so about that.  Tuesday I broke that promise lol.  What's the point of paying for a black card membership to the gym if you don't take advantage?
Tuesday was leg day, Wednesday was ab day.  Ohh, that took some recovery.  I worked 8 hours both nights after spending an hour and a half at the gym.  Owie!  But my abs feel better today, and since it's been a week that I've cut out soda, I decided to hop on the scale and whip out the measuring tape.  One week of no soda and hitting the gym three times...that little bit showed results!

BEFORE                                                                                                     AFTER


Weight:  166 lbs                                                                                             Weight:  164 lbs
Left Arm:  13 inches                                                                                     Left Arm:  13 inches
Right Arm:  13 inches                                                                                   Right Arm:  13.5 inches
Bust:  37 inches                                                                                               Bust:  36 inches
Belly:  35 inches                                                                                              Belly:  33 inches
Hips:  39 inches                                                                                               Hips:  38 inches
Left Thigh:  25.5 inches                                                                                Left Thigh:  24 inches
Right Thigh:  25.5 inches                                                                              Right Thigh:  24.5 inches
Left Calf:  16 inches                                                                                        Left Calf:  16.5 inches
Right Calf:  17 inches                                                                                      Right Calf:  16.5 inches

As you can see, it's not HUGE progress, but it's progress.  My TruWeight & Energy supplements came in the mail today, so beginning tomorrow I'll be taking those for a month to see if I notice any more difference.  But so far, in one week I managed to lose two pounds and a total of six inches (and with only seven minutes in the tanning bed you can see I'm a bit darker)!  I'll take it!
We heard from our ceremony/reception venue this week.  We'd been waiting for Doris (the owner of the Hotel) to get back to us with menu options.  We'd already decided on a more casual meal; we're having a mid-day celebration so that we'll be able to be on the road by 6PM for our honeymoon (let's face it, we don't get much time off work before peak starts and Canada is a good 5.5 hour drive, assuming we don't get held up at the border!).
But Doris called, one of her options is just what we were looking for, their Hotel's signature burger, cut in half.  Three big boats of fries.  Veggie and fruit trays.  To feed 50 people would be between $450-$600.  If everyone comes that we invite, there may end up being a bit more than 50, but considering there's a good bit of kids, I think 2 should count as 1 lol.  Much below budget!  We're thinking of asking if they can throw in a few dozen hot wings too.  That would be the perfect meal for him and I, considering our first date ended up with dinner at McDonald's!!  
Viv has had softball practice twice this week.  Tuesday I didn't get to be there, darn work.  Thursday I called off and took her, only for it to be rained out after twenty minutes.  But she is doing really good at pitching.  She's getting much better at batting.  Got two balls stuck in the fence!!  Very proud mama here.  She's just gotta work on her catching yet.
We got the sneak peek of their lovely Easter photos from Jessica Snider Photography last night.  Absolutely beautiful!!!  

So in love <3

1 comment:

  1. Aww the girls are so gorgeous. And congrats on the weightloss :) You are doing fantastic!
