Monday, June 22, 2015

I Have an Announcement!

So, it's now official.  He called his parents and one of his sisters on Father's Day and let them know he's going to be a dad.  They're all very excited for him, and hoping for a boy as well.  His other sister I messaged on facebook (I actually get along with her better than he does) and she hopes for a girl, so that we don't have a mini-Jeff lol.
I really want a boy.  To the point of already referring to the creature in my stomach as 'he.'  I'd be happy with a girl, but I really don't want to have to referee between 3 girls!  Plus, I really like the name that we've come up with for a boy.
Still haven't gotten the release to go back to work.  It's been almost two weeks I've been out on leave.  Wednesday last week the doctor faxed in my return paperwork, and I'm still waiting to hear from HR about when I can return since I'll be on restrictions.  I better get paid for this time!!
Anyway, without further ado...the official announcement pictures.

At least I've been able to sleep.  I've been sleeping a lot lately.  Eating it up while I can I guess.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Strained Shoulder and Such

I managed to strain my shoulder at work.  Possibly the most painful thing I've gone through, and the healing process is just as bad.  I can't move my arm.  Which means I haven't showered properly in at least a week.
The doctor put me on Vicodin and prescription Ibuprofen for the pain.  Taking it, I feel high as a kite.  Dizzy, sleepy.  Literally slept 12 hours straight...during the day time.  Needless to say I had to put in for leave from work, not because of the injury itself but because of the meds...can't drive myself to work if I feel like sleeping all the time.
Wonderfully, I discovered that if I don't take my meds, the pain is bearable, and I don't feel like sleeping all the time.  So when I go to the doctor this week, I'm going to see if they can sign the slip for me to go back on restriction.  I'd rather be there doing something than not doing anything at all.  Besides, I have a wedding to pay for.
This year has brought lots of ups and downs for my family.  I look back and giggle at the ultimatum I gave Jeff, a wedding or a baby.  He sighed, poured a shot for each of us and proposed.  Now, looks like I'm getting both.
Oh wait, what?

Major, we have a fuck up.  See, I'm usually very good with tracking my period and knowing when it's safe to have sex.  On Day 6 of my cycle, when I'm still lightly bleeding from my period, it's generally a safe time to have sex and he can cum freely (haha, that sounded so dirty)...well, who the hell told my body to release an egg early?  I've been feeling it all month...on May 27, not even a week after we had sex, I started having cramps.  Bad cramps, to the point I left work early.  I knew they weren't menstrual either, so my first thought was great, implantation cramping?  Since then I've lost my appetite and have felt nauseous a couple times.  Plus been having random cravings (this really expensive appetizer at this expensive restaurant we like to go to....and vanilla ice cream covered in rainbow sprinkles...yes, I've had both fulfilled :D).
When my period was two days late I knew it was time to test.  I'd been writing these symptoms off as side effects of the pain killers, but I know my period and it is never more than a day late.  I told Jeff at the grocery store that morning, and took it when we got home.
He's not exactly happy about it.  He just started college and is still working full-time, so he's concerned how we'll balance things.  I told him I managed a job, school and a baby at 16 without spousal support.  He's not alone in this, I will make sure he has time to study.  His education is our future, and as long as he's willing to put in the long hours, I am too.
In other news, summer is in full swing!  Viv finished her last week of kindergarten the first week of this month, shedding a few tears in the process [both her and me].  She did amazing this year and has blossomed so much.  She is excited for first grade and all the new adventures it will bring!  Her report card showed all proficient's and outstanding's.  She made many new friends this year, several friendships I hope to be able to encourage to flourish over the summer through play dates and picnics.
She also had her softball picnic to celebrate the end of the season.  The coach congratulated her for having the most progress in hitting.  At the beginning, she was terrified to hit off the tee.  In their last game, she hit four times by coach pitch, slamming it the first toss!
We've made a Summer Fun [Bucket] List full of reading, hikes, places to go, food to eat, water fun, arts and crafts and a few pay it forward's!
We'll hopefully be getting Schylar into pre-school this fall.  I'm a bit concerned with her starting school.  She has no urge to learn, and what she does learn is like in one ear, out the other.  The doctors aren't sure if she's ADHD or just that damn stubborn lol.
Jeff started school at the beginning of the month.  Month 1 out of 32 for his bachelor's degree.  It'll all be worth it when he's working for Blizzard and we're nestled somewhere in Anaheim...or working for the company that made Smite and living in Atlanta.  Those are his two dream corporations to work for.
I've started working on our ancestries.  Found some fairly interesting things so far on my side.  Several soldiers in the civil war.  My mom's side fought union, my dad's side fought confederate.  None of the confederate soldiers came home.  One actually died in the battle of Gettysburg, which happened 20 minutes down the road from our house.  Gives you goosebumps knowing that!!
Oh, and if you're on facebook, keep the baby hush hush.  The family doesn't all know yet, and we (more like I) want to think of something cute to officially announce with.