Friday, March 27, 2015

I Swore I Wouldn't Do It

I always said I would never use a tanning bed in my life.  That, because I tan so naturally, I would just let the sun do it's job.  Yeah, so about that.  Tuesday I broke that promise lol.  What's the point of paying for a black card membership to the gym if you don't take advantage?
Tuesday was leg day, Wednesday was ab day.  Ohh, that took some recovery.  I worked 8 hours both nights after spending an hour and a half at the gym.  Owie!  But my abs feel better today, and since it's been a week that I've cut out soda, I decided to hop on the scale and whip out the measuring tape.  One week of no soda and hitting the gym three times...that little bit showed results!

BEFORE                                                                                                     AFTER


Weight:  166 lbs                                                                                             Weight:  164 lbs
Left Arm:  13 inches                                                                                     Left Arm:  13 inches
Right Arm:  13 inches                                                                                   Right Arm:  13.5 inches
Bust:  37 inches                                                                                               Bust:  36 inches
Belly:  35 inches                                                                                              Belly:  33 inches
Hips:  39 inches                                                                                               Hips:  38 inches
Left Thigh:  25.5 inches                                                                                Left Thigh:  24 inches
Right Thigh:  25.5 inches                                                                              Right Thigh:  24.5 inches
Left Calf:  16 inches                                                                                        Left Calf:  16.5 inches
Right Calf:  17 inches                                                                                      Right Calf:  16.5 inches

As you can see, it's not HUGE progress, but it's progress.  My TruWeight & Energy supplements came in the mail today, so beginning tomorrow I'll be taking those for a month to see if I notice any more difference.  But so far, in one week I managed to lose two pounds and a total of six inches (and with only seven minutes in the tanning bed you can see I'm a bit darker)!  I'll take it!
We heard from our ceremony/reception venue this week.  We'd been waiting for Doris (the owner of the Hotel) to get back to us with menu options.  We'd already decided on a more casual meal; we're having a mid-day celebration so that we'll be able to be on the road by 6PM for our honeymoon (let's face it, we don't get much time off work before peak starts and Canada is a good 5.5 hour drive, assuming we don't get held up at the border!).
But Doris called, one of her options is just what we were looking for, their Hotel's signature burger, cut in half.  Three big boats of fries.  Veggie and fruit trays.  To feed 50 people would be between $450-$600.  If everyone comes that we invite, there may end up being a bit more than 50, but considering there's a good bit of kids, I think 2 should count as 1 lol.  Much below budget!  We're thinking of asking if they can throw in a few dozen hot wings too.  That would be the perfect meal for him and I, considering our first date ended up with dinner at McDonald's!!  
Viv has had softball practice twice this week.  Tuesday I didn't get to be there, darn work.  Thursday I called off and took her, only for it to be rained out after twenty minutes.  But she is doing really good at pitching.  She's getting much better at batting.  Got two balls stuck in the fence!!  Very proud mama here.  She's just gotta work on her catching yet.
We got the sneak peek of their lovely Easter photos from Jessica Snider Photography last night.  Absolutely beautiful!!!  

So in love <3

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Fat Girl Going Skinny

My goal for this wedding is to look pretty.  This is going to be painful!  Lol.
I've stopped drinking soda.  Mountain Dew was my addiction, my only addiction in life.  This has been day #2 of only drinking water (and a little milk with breakfast).  Been putting Mio Energy into my water to give it some extra far it's working, haven't had any unbearable cravings.  Had a little crash earlier today...well, more like I laid my head on Jeff's lap after dinner and woke up two hours later.
I ordered TruWeight & Energy, an appetite suppressor and energy supplement.  A friend of mine has had great success with it, without incorporating any special dieting or exercise.  With my goal plan, I may be at my goal weight of 130 by October!  *Fingers crossed*
Joined Planet Fitness, actually went there for the first time today.  30 minutes doing HIIT on the elliptical machine, then 15 minutes of aerobic-setting on the exercise bike, then another 30 minutes split between the rowing machine, shoulder press and lat pulldown to work on my arms (using 45 lb weights).  Then finally 50 reps on the ab machine using 45 lb weights.
Ready to throw up?  Lol.  I had to cut my face out of these because I am THAT ashamed.  You'll see my tats though, that's your proof it's me ;)
I'm starting my journey at close to my highest weight (equal to where I was when I was about 7-8 months pregnant with baby #3).  I am 166 lbs as of yesterday when I weighed myself (haven't gotten a measuring tape to do measurements yet).  These are my before pictures...hopefully there will be nice progress down the road!

I still look pregnant, and after I eat it's worse.  Which is depressing.  You can see my muffin top in my wedding dress and I can't keep my eyes off of it.
I'm going to be trying the It Works! wrap in a few weeks; by hosting a party I am earning a free one.  I'm also going to be signing up for BeachBody, looking at the TurboFire program.  I've ordered samples of the Shakeology shakes to try as well; if I like them, I may continue taking them.
For now, I'm just trying healthier eating, actually attempting to eat three meals a day (I usually only have 1-2).  Breakfast today was a fried egg with a sprinkle of cheddar cheese.  Lunch was the most amazing salad I've ever had, a Turkey Club from Saladworks (post gym meal).  Dinner consisted of Cheeseburger Macaroni, Salad, and Lemon Pepper Broccoli.  Although I did have a Little Debbie brownie for dessert.  I'm out of peanut butter and couldn't figure out anything else small to curb the sweet craving.
Soooo, in other news.  Wedding stuffs!
Jeff's band came in the mail.  Fits perfectly, amazing condition.  He loves it, so I'm quite happy.  Sitting in the jewelry box on our bookshelf in the bedroom until the big day.
My best friend found her dress!  So all the ladies in the wedding's apparel is purchased!

Tomorrow is going to be a crazy hectic day.  The girls are getting their Easter pictures done at 1:00.  Our photographer, Jessica Snider, is amazing.  She did our Christmas family portraits.  Word is, Easter photos will have fresh flowers and live bunnies!

Almost immediately after pictures, we have a softball skill drill.  Viv's first time playing, so we'll see how she is and how she likes it.  Fortunately, a friend of hers from school is on her team so she'll feel comfortable with her!  There are 4 teams in her age division for Dillsburg...she is #1 on Team 3.  There's yet another lucky number 13 for me!
Afterward, of course, Mommy has to make dinner and go to work, while Daddy takes the girls to a birthday party!  Another little friend from school, Mario, is having his party at the Coliseum, and Schylar was also invited to receive a card for the arcade and to bowl.  She is uber excited to be included with the big kids.
Then this week we go into full swing for softball, practice twice a week.  April 11th is officially the first day of softball, they'll have their parade through town.  So proud of my baby for jumping in and trying something new!  I'm sure she'll have a blast.  

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Dun Dun Da Dun

I made a lemon shaker pie to celebrate Pie Day.  The outside ring of crust burnt.  It was in for less time than the recipe called.  WTF?  Really -_-
Anyway, the true reason of why I'm here is to announce:  I'M GETTING MARRIED!
It wasn't a romantic proposal.  I guess I'm 0/3 with that.  But we'd been talking about, and I said that within the next year I either wanted to get married or start trying for a baby.  He took his time deciding, but eventually said let's get married.  Poured me a glass of wine, himself a shot of Jack, we said "Cheers" and made it official.
So far plans are going good.  We chose October 31, 2015 (Halloween wedding, of course!) as the official date.  Doing a fall-themed wedding with a masquerade Halloween reception.  We've gotten the guest list finalized.  I actually found both my wedding dress (red) and the girls dresses (Viv's is a coral/orange and Schy's is yellow).  Ordered his wedding ring.  Printed our save the date cards.  Picked our venue and photographer.  And so far, spent under $200!

Made the Save the Dates myself with use of the trial of Paint Shop Pro X7 they have on their website.  My best friend had some cardstock leftover from her wedding invitations and she was able to print them for me, costing me $0.
The girls dresses are actually Easter dresses from Boscov's, but they were the perfect colors for my theme.  They were on sale 40% off so I couldn't say no!
My dress I found at a locally owned dress shop, Pretty Woman.  After going to nine bridal and gown shops, I was ready to give up for the day.  Alicia and I decided to stop at the Colonial Park Mall since it was near where she lived and sure enough, we saw a red formal gown hanging in the window.  I liked it, but as I made my way to the back of the store, fell in love with THE dress.  Of course I won't post photos of that in case my fiancee stumbles across my blog.  It's simple, but elegant.  It's form-fitting but flowy.  And it was only $130!
I'm considering joining Planet Fitness to try to get in better shape (and tanning is a bonus of course)!  Alicia has been going and LOVES her gym.  My problem is having enough free time to go to the gym.  I could go while Viv is in school and just drop Schylar off at Pappy's for a few hours.
The girls have spent two weekends in a row having sleepovers with their pappy.  They absolutely love it, and I know he enjoys the company.  Since my mom passed away, he's pretty much all alone at the house.  Having their chaos for a few hours is a nice change.
Hoping since it's starting to warm up, that we'll be able to venture up to the Hotel we're having our ceremony and reception at so I can take pictures and start planning decorations.  I've been loving Pinterest for the ideas there!
Our honeymoon...that was a surprise.  Wasn't planning on taking one at all honestly.  We recently signed up with Ambit Energy to save money on our electric by having them be our direct supplier.  As a user, we earn travel rewards for every kWh of electric we use.  As a bonus, when you sign up they provide an expense paid accommodation of 3 days/2 nights at one of a select list of locations.  If our budget stays on track, we'll be spending a bit more to get passport cards and heading to Niagara Falls
If our budgeting isn't quite as wonderful, then we'll stick to somewhere a bit closer to home, the Poconos!
Considering I hadn't initially imagined we would have the extra $$$ to get away, either would be amazing.  I haven't been to Canada since I was 4 years old though, and somehow didn't realize it was only 5.5 hours away, so that is my top pick!
It's a wonderful thing that he is getting involved in planning though.  I had initially thought of having a Halloween themed reception.  My best friend suggested masquerade masks instead so people wouldn't need to worry with whole costumes.  When I suggested that to him, he was ecstatic.  Apparently he's always wanted to have a masquerade party, but never had the reason.  Now we do ;)
He also started talking about wedding bands, and what he wanted.  We're both nerds, let's face it.  He liked the idea of having a ring like in The Lord of the Rings.  Something with the engraving:  Ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.  After reading the translation, I was means: One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.  Thought it was rather cute the find and bind for a wedding band.  Anyways, found this little beauty:
On Ebay, of all places, on sale for $14 plus free shipping!  Normally a $50-$60 ring.  And it's tungsten, so it's good quality, not cheap.  It's ordered and should be delivered this week.  So I guess we're off to a pretty good start!
The hotel is not charging us for use of the venue, just the food.  He knows the owner, his first job was actually working for her at the hotel.  She's working up a couple menu options for us that won't break the budget but are the kind of foods we like.  I'm not against having burgers and hot wings at my wedding reception...yes, I'm that girl lol.
Well, I guess as of now this blog is taking a turn towards being a wedding-on-a-budget blog!  Our goal is under $2500 and we're well on track now with the major items being well under what was budgeted for!