Seventh Generation's home parties are powered by people like you who are focused on creating a healthy environment for the next generation. Developed with input from non-profit partner, Healthy Child Healthy World, they are a great way to get together with friends, share helpful information, and make an impact!
Healthy Baby Home Party kits are provided to all selected hosts and are filled with educational info about our environment, helpful tips, a fun game, and samples and coupons from Seventh Generation and other favorite family-friendly brands like bobble, American Meadows and Zarbee's Naturals.
Before I go bragging about the awesome time we had at my party, I wanted to advertise to fellow friends and bloggers! Seventh Generation is doing another round of Healthy Baby Home Parties and if you're interested in hosting, they are accepting applications. The process is simple.
Sign up at Generation Good to join the Generation Good community (or log in if you're already a member). Not only will you have this opportunity, but you'll be given the opportunity to test other products from their line!
Accept the Healthy Baby Home Party Application offer on your Generation Good dashboard and complete the application.
Applicants will be notified mid-June if they have been selected to host a party via an email to the email address assigned to their profile.
All selected applicants will then need to confirm their participation by accepting the Healthy Baby Home Party mission on Generation Good and confirm their shipping address.
This is for US residents only, however they are planning to open up Canadian parties later in the year.
Now for the excitement! I was chosen to host a party this past round and had a great time!
The only downside of the event...Seventh Generation sent this AWESOME box that one side was made to color! Unfortunately, it was raining the day our box was delivered, and you know how the FedEx guy never knocks? Well, he also doesn't mind dropping boxes in puddles even though you have a covered porch that the box could have been slid under... -_- So the bottom of our box got soggy and the side for coloring was all wet from rain...but look how cute!!!
Luckily our inside goodies weren't harmed in any way!!
You would think with all the photos I take, I would have gotten some of the party, but we were having so much fun (and I had ahold of my son, who was 2 months old at the time) that I didn't get any!!
To start, everyone who came received a sample bag. In the bag, it contained: single serving of Seventh Generation laundry detergent, single serving of Seventh Generation dish soap, one helping of Plum Organics Mighty Mealtime meals, one serving of Zarbee's Baby grape cough syrup, 2 unscented Seventh Generation wipes, a packet of American Meadows "bee happy" flower seeds, free shipping codes for a bobble purchase, and a BINGO card. Some of the moms who came to my party have older children, some are still pregnant, so the products didn't "fit" was nice to watch my friends chat and swap samples so that everyone got the best out of the party!
Bingo was where all the fun was. We had 4 prizes up for grabs...the "hot item" being a bag of Seventh Generation size 4 diapers (I would have greedily kept those, but my little man is just now going into size 3...he was still in 2's at the time of the party), a full-size pack of SG wipes, a full-sized bottle of SG dish soap, and a bobble water infuser bottle!
The Bingo game had cards for me which contained cleaning tips and interesting facts, and each had a picture on it relating to the information. The tots loved being able to play because they could match the pictures (a lot easier than finding those numbers on a normal bingo card!). The first winner snatched up those diapers, and then some of the "old moms" (toddler and school aged children) won the next two rounds so they grabbed the dish soap and water infuser. I was "left" with the wipes as my hosting prize, which I will never complain about. My son is breastfed and poops A LOT (seriously, at least 6 times in the last 24 hours...only once while daddy was home from work -_- lol).
I will post some additional info (and a major deal for you, at that!).
There is a subscription service available to have SG diapers and wipes delivered to you (and you can purchase all sorts of other earth-friendly products). They're sold by the Grove Company. You can sign up here using my link, and you'll receive $10 towards your first purchase!! Once you're all signed up, head here to receive a free trial of their diapers and wipes! The only out-of-pocket expense is $1,99 shipping and handling fee. That was my free sample shown above! 31 size 3 diapers and a 30-pack of wipes. Really, who could complain?! Being honest here, I haven't busted open that pack of size 3's yet, we're finishing up the bags of size 2 that he has...but I LOVE their diapers. When I was pregnant, I was all about Huggies because that's what I'd used with all three of my daughters. Apparently, a lot has changed in five years...but I'll do a diaper review on another review posting maybe later in the week!
With SG, I haven't had any blow outs. They don't puff out like some other diapers do. And the wipes, OMG. What it takes two Huggies wipes to clean, I can do in one!!
The only thing I will alert you, with the free sample of diapers, it does automatically enroll you in the monthly subscription. As long as you cancel within the 7 day window, you will not be billed. Cancelling is so easy too, just log back onto the website and go to your account. No emails, no phone calls, just a couple clicks on your computer screen.
If you do choose to enroll, it's $69.99 per month and you receive 256 wipes and...
Newborn (under 9 lbs): 216 diapers
Stage 1 (10-12 lbs): 240 diapers
Stage 2 (13-15 lbs): 216 diapers
Stage 3 (16-22 lbs): 186 diapers
Stage 4 (23-27 lbs): 162 diapers
Stage 5 (28-35 lbs): 138 diapers
Stage 6 (over 35 lbs): 120 diapers.
That's my little man rocking his size 2 SG diapers. He's 15.5 lbs at 3 months old, so we're making the switch to the next size up.

Read the shirt ^^ He seriously is. That's my healthy happy yours :D
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