Tuesday, June 17, 2014

June 17, 2014

Why do weekends always end so quickly?  I don't know how I ever survived with only two days off!!
Father's Day was this weekend.  Without much extra money, we tried to do the best we could.  I used the rest of my tax returns for most of it.  Friday, Jeff and I left work at lunchtime for a little rendezvous by ourselves.  We went to the local tattoo shop and each got two small tattoos.  Then, I took him out to Red Robin for lunch. 
On the actual holiday, the girls gave him their present, a jar full of Reese's Pieces that they'd written a note, "We love you to pieces daddy" and I officially gave him the deep fryer we'd purchased.  After lunch, we went to see 22 Jump Street, and then spent most of the day Monday at the pool.
So relaxing.  I really need to save up for pool passes.  Although he burnt to a crisp (ginger problems!), the girls and I got a nice base tan.
The girls have been eating all weekend, which is a nice break.  Usually they sit and stare at their food for an hour or two...this weekend, every meal, they've chowed down, and yelling has been at a minimal.  So nice!! I'm apparently the "best cooker ever!"
They started summer camp today too.  It's a small camp for our community only, so there's a handful of kids.  But it's nice to give them the opportunity to meet other kids.  Vivienne recognized one boy from her kindergarten prep class, so she made friends with him. 
I'll be so glad once we're all caught up on bills.  I know, shame on me for choosing recreation over paying bills.  But for a holiday weekend...we all needed a break.  It wouldn't have been such an issue catching up, had it not been for me missing the entire week of work because of my incident with my toe.  I've emailed the grocery store in regards to the situation, currently awaiting their response.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if they offered to reimburse my loss?!  I know, that's getting hopeful.  Probably could talk to a lawyer....maybe I will.  We'll see how they respond first.

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